Coffee flows freely at my house and for years I have kept coffee mugs at the ready, hanging on a rack. When folks help themselves to coffee and choose their mug I always say "give it a rinse in case it hasn't been used lately". Some are used daily of coarse, but others may wait a while. I wouldn't want my friends and family to have "dust tinged" coffee, so thus the warning.
We have a variety of cups to choose from, a "Someone in Texas loves you" cup from my sister, a 'Girls Gone Wise " cup from a True Woman conference Samantha and I went to, my nephew's 40 cup I passed on to him that he uses when he is here, one from work, the one Don and Em brought back from England that says London all over it and a few with cows. All different, some simple, some colorful, all hold coffee.
What's the point? Well the other day the Lord spoke to me through those mugs. How often am I, are we, dusty coffee mugs? Unlike the mugs, we have a choice whether to be used are hang there and wait. The Lord needs each of us for His glory, but sometimes we aren't willing. We become "dusty".
Every couple of weeks I pull all the cups down and give them a wash. I guess that's like revival time, church camp, conferences we attend, or any special moment when we lay everything out for the Lord and he forgives and prepares us for the task He has planned for us. We're ready, but life "scoops us up" and there we are again, hanging, dusty.
Now we all have to work on our willingness to do those things the Lord has for us to do, individually. What excuse we make, how we just don't have the time, the talent or what ever it is we think keeps us hanging there. The dust really rallies when we neglect our time in God's Word and the quiet time with Him He so richly deserves and We so desperately need.
So now I have a little reminder to be willing and at the ready to serve the purpose my Lord and Savior has for me today. I never miss my morning coffee, a little cream, no dust please.
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